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5 Steps to Determining the Customer Base for Your Small Business

Welcome to the five step guide on determining your (new and expanded) customer base… Imagine this. You’re sitting in your office. The day’s about done. It’s dark outside, folks are checking their parking meters at the end of the day, and the streetlights are on, casting small yellow glows against the concrete. It’s another day. […]

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It’s FIRE! An Overview of the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) Movement

Most people would say that gaining financial independence is a good goal. The Financial Independence Retire Early Movement, or FIRE movement, is a phenomenon leading people between the ages of primarily 20 and 40 to work towards financial independence in order to retire long before age 65. Whether you’re thinking about retiring to the Sunshine […]

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Gene Therapy Delivered to the Brain Through the Eye

This is crazy, but true. Eye drops may be able to deliver genetic information to the brain. These genetic therapies for the brain are far from new! The craziest part is, is that The genetic therapy iB delivered through the eye! While looking into treatments for a pet mouse’s eye infection, I happened to run […]

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{Th Le-Mu} Letter from A Mur: Indigo. A Collection of Stories and Poems

{Th Le-Mu} Letter from A Mur: Indigo Th Universal-Creator(s)((Creator(s) of Heavens & Earth)) ((Creator(s) of Heavens & Earth)) Higher Heavens Ave, 999 Ethers, 13Vibration To Our Beloved Heavenly Father & Mother, Plotting*Self Analysis Observing the noise, this rest-less city makes, not only strange but also a fickle atmosphere. While pondering, I noticed the smallest bits/thoughts […]

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