The Best Small Business Podcasts

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Business owners love podcasts, especially ones that boost their confidence and strategies for growth. But it can be hard finding these podcasts on your own. So we’re here to help!

Business owners love podcasts, especially ones that boost their confidence and strategies for growth.

But it can be hard finding these podcasts on your own. So we’re here to help!

Maybe you’re not familiar with podcasts. One way to think of a podcast is that it’s like a television show for your ears. Things like podcasts have been around since the 1980s, but their popularity surged when Apple’s iPod began supporting them.

iPod + broadcasting = podcasting

Best if all, podcasts typically last as long as a regular commute to work.

You can turn it on, keep your attention focused on the road without having to sift through songs, and feel like you’re not wasting your commute. The fewer distractions, the better, because car accidents can really cost you.

So let’s take a look at why podcasts are some of the best help for small business owners, and which ones you can start streaming today.

iPhone and Coffee-Easy Listening

How Podcasts Help Small Business Owners

There are thousands of business-related podcasts out there for small business owners. You can listen for tips and secrets to all kinds of success. Small business owners and entrepreneurs have a lot to gain by learning from larger business owners about how to succeed and maximize their full potential.

Like them, you’ve overcome several common obstacles, and they can help you learn from them.

1. Podcasts Help Save You Time

Time is often an obstacle for entrepreneurs and small business owners. Who wouldn’t want more hours in the day? Hence the necessity for an entrepreneur and small business owner to try to maximize their time.

Time doesn’t have to be the enemy. There are ways to increase your business knowledge and remain active in your personal life.

It may be easier said than done, but it’s at least worth trying.

  • On your way to work, try to fit in a business podcast to help add some mental creativity to start your day.
  • If you’re alone at lunchtime, pop in your earbuds and listen while you are eating.
  • As you drive home from work, turn on another podcast to give you strategies to think about for the next day.
  • If you’re flying solo, consider listening to something to help you wind down or meditate on all you’ve learned.

The nice thing about podcasts is that the subconscious mind just absorbs them. You do not have to be an active participant to glean knowledge or skills from them. It’s sort of like listening to an audiobook.

2. Podcasts Allow Your Knowledge To Grow

The biggest mistake made by small business owners and entrepreneurs is thinking that they have all the tools they need to be a success. Obviously, that’s a huge misconception. You need to be confident, but stay humble. Being flexible enough to learn new strategies is what it takes for success.

For example, technology and marketing strategies are constantly changing. There’s no way you can know it all. Podcasts are a great way to stay up to date on changes without time-consuming seminars or conferences.

3. Podcasts Even Help You Become More Social

Podcasts have the ability to open up a completely different social circle for the small business owner/entrepreneur. There are communities and niches that exist in the realm of podcasts. These communities consist of people just like you, the small business owner/entrepreneur.

Most podcasts out there have some kind of fan page or group on social media. So connecting to like-minded individuals has never been easier.


Small Business Podcasts That Are Right For You

There are thousands of podcasts that may be right for you. So naturally, we have taken it upon ourselves to single out the best of the best and the most noteworthy. All of them can be found on most podcast apps, including Apple Podcasts.

Here are our best of the best:

#1. Entrepreneur Thought Leaders

Originally created for entrepreneurs at Stanford University, this podcast can be beneficial to anyone who listens to it. Although it is only a weekly podcast, it features discussions and interviews with successful entrepreneurs.

#2. eBay Radio

If e-commerce is the name of your business structure, eBay Radio is for you. eBay Radio gives insight and pointers to small businesses and entrepreneurs who want to build an e-commerce business using a platform like eBay, hence the name.

#3. The Introvert Entrepreneur

This award-winning podcast is from the perspective of an introvert. Beth Buelow hosts the podcast and offers unique insight for business owners and entrepreneurs regarding promoting business, generating revenue, raising productivity, and tackling the fears that every new business owner has.

#4. BizChix

BizChix is a podcast that is aimed toward the female entrepreneur population, but host Natalie Eckdahl won’t discriminate if a man wants to listen in. With her Master’s Degree in Business Administration and highly developed career experience, Eckdahl sets an educational tone for success.

#5. My Wakeup Call

If you find yourself in a business rut and can’t seem to find the confidence or way out, listen to Dr. Mark Goulston’s podcast called “My Wakeup Call”. Goulston and his guests discuss some of the most pivotal and life-changing circumstances and how they powered through them. Goulston promotes becoming the best version of yourself that you can be and leading the life you were meant to live.

#6. Smart Passive Income

What could be better than a weekly podcast that gives you tips and pointers on creating evergreen sales funnels, buying and selling online businesses, and how to grow your YouTube presence? You guessed it! There is nothing better. Smart Passive Income is hosted by Pat Flynn and focuses on business growth and strategy.

#7. Learning With Leslie

An entrepreneur who gives other entrepreneurs tip on how to succeed: what a novel idea! Learning With Leslie is hosted by Leslie Samuel who provides solid advice, tips, and how to establish an online presence to other entrepreneurs. Leslie features other successful entrepreneurs who have built their own platforms to share candidly how they got where they are.

High Performance to build confidence

The Most Important Part: Believing In Your Abilities

The first thing you need to do as a business owner or entrepreneur is to believe in yourself. If you don’t believe that you have what it takes, how can you expect anyone to take you seriously?

Believe that you are going to be successful and that you are going to achieve greatness and it will come! Use the podcasts listed above to help you find your strength and to build your confidence.

Your customers will thank you!

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